Park of the Tepilora


29 March 2022

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Almost 8000 hectares of pristine forests, trails, springs and waterways: the Natural Regional Park of the Oasis of Tepilora is the ideal destination for a holiday in full harmony with nature.

Exploring the territory of the Park is a wonderful opportunity for an in-depht historical, millennial analysis: in the beautiful naturalistic and panoramic setting the guest can fully grasp the essence of the whole territory by visiting archaeological sites, monumental remains, museums and medieval villages.

A young Park with a long history

Located in the North West of Sardinia, the Natural Regional Park of Tepilora Oasis includes an extended territory which rests on four districts: Torpè, Posada, Lodè and Bitti. The park extends from the wood of Tepilora to the mouth of the river called “Rio Posada”; its distinctive element is mount Tepilora (528 mt. above sea level), a triangular rocky peak that stands out in the thickly wooded areas of Littos and Crastazza overlooking Posada’s lake. Once used for pasturing and wood chopping, the area was reforested for 16% of the total during the 80’s and it was equipped for hiking and fire protection, so becoming a natural reserve. The Park establishment procedure was launched in 2005 by the municipality of Bitti, in accordance with Regione Sardegna, the Sardinian Forestry Administration and the Province of Nuoro to protect the natural resources in the area and to encourage the sustainable development of the territory. Today the Park is entirely accessible and it is the ideal destination for a tourism in touch with nature even during the off-season, also thanks to its mild winters. It offers breath-taking landscapes, fresh springs and typical flora and fauna: strong holly oaks, strawberry trees, junipers, cork oaks are the habitat of animal species typical of the Mediterranean scrub, such as the Sardinian hare, the wild boar and the fox. Fallow deers and mouflons are also found here, and if you are lucky enough you can catch sight of specimens of golden eagle near the summit of mount Tepilora.

«Biosphere Reserve» - UNESCO heritage

The status of Unesco Heritage Site is a reward for the safeguard of many natural treasures, but it is also related to the millennial historical and cultural value of the territory of Montalbo and Rio Posada, with their two symbols: the Sardinian language, which has remained unaltered through the centuries, and tenor singing, awarded as Unesco World Heritage.

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